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to make necessary amendments中文是什么意思

用"to make necessary amendments"造句"to make necessary amendments"怎么读"to make necessary amendments" in a sentence


  • 进行必要的修订


  • This essay mainly deals with wto ' s rules on governments " activities , local governments " function in the economic development and wto ' s requirement and challenge on local governments . it analyzes 4 aspects of our local governments " admistration that are in disaccord with wto ' s rules through many facts and offers 4 strategies - - - - to quicken the reform on local governments " system and to alter local governments " function ; to adapt more transparent policies , to regulate the administrative process and to make necessary amendments to the executive bodies ; to improve our policies and to perfect the law system so as to support the legal administration ; to improve governments management and to educate a new administration faculty . the analysis offers some guiding ideas to the local governments facing a new wto era
    本文概述了wto规则中规范政府行为的主要原则,全面阐述了加入wto后,地方政府在经济发展中应发挥的作用以及wto规则对地方政府的要求和挑战,从分析我国地方政府不适应wto规则的四个方面的表现入手,列举了大量的事实材料,有针对性地提出了地方政府如何适应wto规则要求的四个对策? ?加快地方政府机构改革,实现地方政府职能的彻底转变:执行透明度制度,规范行政程序,健全行政执行机构;优化政策环境,完善法律体系,为法制行政提供制度保障;提高政府管理能力,培养全新管理人才。
用"to make necessary amendments"造句  
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